What we do
Explore our former projects and learn more about our award -winning films, books, music, events and human rights reports. Explore our portfolio for more images and information. If you are interested in more information you can reach out to Cecilia Gärding : cecilia_garding@yahoo.se

Eleza (2008-2011)
The first book about being Afro-Swedish, the first hip-hop opera about being Afroswedish and the first film to depict an afro-Swedish young man without being vilified and sexualized in the film "We are lika Oranges"
The cultural heritage agents (2012-2015)
The first representational inclusion model in Sweden for ethnic minorities and the first book written as a popular historian piece to educate youth and the public on ethnic stereotypes in film during 1890-1950. We also organized the first film festival on this topic in Sweden, 2013.
Afro-Swedish rights and oportunitites (2016-2017)
We created the first report analyzing the life conditions for afro-Swedish people in the city of Umeå , in the north of Sweden. We recommended over 50 actions to enhance social inclusion, better health care, education, and work opportunities. Included were strategic ways to fight hate crime and discrimination.
EU-projects funded by Erasmus and the Internal Security Fund, Police Action Grant, European Commission)
Diaspoaction, Afropreneurship and Eurotopia

Diaspoaction(Two week course in 2011)
Helping Those Who Need Us Most
Afropeaneurship (Two-week
course in 2013)
A term coined by Cecilia Gärding with the aim to definie the entrepreneurship endevaours of African Diaspora. The project brought together Portuges Youth and Swedish Youth with African background where they learnt how to make business plans inspired by the African Diaspora Ch
Eurotopia (2018-2022)
The first and largest short film project using visual media and credible voices to hinder radicalization in Sweden, Belgium, and Italy